Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

root of aorta

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Current level root of aorta
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
3740 14864 tax
root of aorta ; bulb of aorta
radix aortae ; bulbus aortae
7236 3697 tax
aortic valve
valva aortae
9350 3695 tax
opening of aorta; aortic orifice
ostium aortae
7251 14814 tax
aortic semilunar valvules
valvulae semilunares aorticae
# aortic semilunar valvule
# valvula semilunaris aortica
9365 3701 tax
nodule of semilunar leaflet
nodulus valvulae semilunaris
9366 3702 tax
lunules of semilunar leaflet
lunulae valvulae semi
7253 3698 tax
right semilunar leaflet of aortic valve; right coronary leaflet of aortic valve
valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae ; valvula coronaria dextra valvae aortae
7254 3699 tax
left semilunar leaflet of aortic valve; left coronary leaflet of aortic valve
valvula semilunaris sinistra valvae aortae ; valvula coronaria sinistra valvae aortae
7252 3700 tax
posterior semilunar valvule of aortic valve ; noncoronary leaflet of aortic valve
valvula semilunaris posterior valvae aortae ; valvula noncoronaria valvae aortae
12214 3703 tax
commissures of aortic semilunar valvules
commissurae valvularum semilunarium aorticarum
3745 3771 tax
aortic sinuses
sinus aortae
3764 14700 tax
right aortic sinus ; right coronary aortic sinus
sinus dexter aortae ; sinus coronarius dexter aortae
3756 14701 tax
left aortic sinus ; left coronary aortic sinus
sinus sinister aortae ; sinus coronarius sinister aortae
3748 14702 tax
posterior aortic sinus ; noncoronary aortic sinus
sinus posterior aortae ; sinus noncoronarius aortae
14783 tax
interleaflet triangles of aortic valve
trigona intervalvularia valvae aortae
3738 3772 tax
supravalvular crest of aorta ; supravalvular crest of aorta
crista supravalvularis aortae
17 lines
23.5 %
70.6 %
3 partial items
14 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The semilunar leaflets of the aortic valve are separated by commissures: sinistrodextra, posterosinistra and posterodextra (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The interleaflet triangles occupy the space between the distal semilunar hinges of the leflets of the arterial valves as they extend to become attached at the sinutubular junction (Vismara et al. 2014 J Biomech 47:329-333). They may also be viewed as parts of the fibrous skeleton of the heart (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 14864
Number of children 13 (validated)
Number of units 14 (validated)
Signature 1475 (validated since 11.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025